How do i change my personal details, including email?

You can update, maintain and change your personal details at anytime.

SailSys Support

Last Update 7 months ago

If you need to change your personal details i.e. name, mobile, email address, simply login to your account and click thru Your Account to Settings.

Change your details and click the SAVE button that will activate only once there is a change to any of your details versus what is already saved.

If changing your email, pls note that the email address is also the unique identifier that the system uses, and it is what you use to log in. So if the system presents an error, it is likely that the email address is already used in the system. Contact support and we can merge these accounts.

Finally it is important to remember that changing your email will change the email address you use to log in.

If you have any issues, please reach out for assistance.

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