Who is SailSys and is it safe?
SailSys Support
Last Update 3 years ago
SailSys provides race management software to yacht clubs. We are local to Sydney, and 100% Australian owned.
We manage, store and safeguard data for users, who are boat owners and crew.
Furthermore, we continue to lead the sport in data privacy.
As a user, you are in control of your information as we ensure that;
- We have your explicit consent to host your data,
- You know exactly what data is on the system,
- You can maintain/curate that data, and
- You can request this data be deleted/purged at any time.
The only data that is required to fully complete your profile is:
- Name
- Mobile
- Emergency contact
Everything else is optional.
We provide this information to clubs that you sail at, and they may or may not ask us to share it with the governing body in your country (i.e. Australian Sailing, RYA, ASA), but that is a club decision as we do not automatically share anything with these governing authorities. Note currently no club has asked us to do that.
The skipper will know your email address but that is all they can now see as a result of our recent feature upgrade, which ensures greater data privacy and control.
Our service is hosted by Microsoft Azure and therefore benefits from their incumbent firewalls and security protocols. Furthermore, passwords are secure at rest and salt hash encrypted in transit, hence no user passwords are ever visible to either SailSys staff or club administrators.
We choose to self comply with GDPR to ensure you can request the deletion of your information at anytime.